The whistleblower10 campaign has been closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
On 10th anniversary of Edward Snowden's leaks, we invite you to support Amnesty International CZ with Bitcoin.
If you choose to donate, you will be redirected to Amnesty International Czech Republic. All donations go through Confirmo payment gate.
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (incl. Lightning Network), Ether, Tether, Tronix, Solana, LitecoinAmnesty International Czech Republic works on international projects. By donating you are supporting global influence of their valuable work.
10 years since Edward Snowden's leaks
10 years ago, Edward Snowden became a household name when he exposed the global surveillance programs of the US National Security Agency (NSA). His actions shed light on the massive extent of government surveillance and the invasion of privacy that individuals around the world were being subjected to without their knowledge or consent.Snowden's actions were not only brave but necessary. In a world where technology is increasingly pervasive, and privacy is a commodity sold to the highest bidder, it is essential to have individuals who are willing to speak out against such violations. Snowden's whistleblowing helped to catalyze a larger conversation around the impact of technology on our society and the need to balance security with privacy.10 years later, it is clear that there is still much work to be done. Despite the public outcry that followed Snowden's revelations, governments and corporations continue to engage in invasive surveillance practices. Additionally, many individuals still do not understand the importance of digital privacy or take the necessary steps to protect themselves.
Donate Bitcoin to Amnesty International CZ
On 10th anniversary of Edward Snowden's leaks, we invite you to support
Amnesty International CZ with Bitcoin.
If you choose to donate, you will be redirected to Amnesty International Czech Republic. All donations go through Confirmo payment gate.
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (incl. Lightning Network), Ether, Tether, Tronix, Solana, LitecoinAmnesty International Czech Republic works on international projects. By donating you are supporting global influence of their valuable work.
π Win original piece of art
by Marty Surma

Marty Surma:
Privacy. Acrylic on canvas, 90x60 cm, 2021
Collector. Acrylic on canvas, 20x60 cm, 2023
The whistleblower10 campaign will include a giveaway of artwork by Marty Surma.Marty Surma is an artist from Czech Republic, born in 1995. After art school graduation in 2019 he started working on illustrations, design and paintings in Atelier 174. His artworks are inspired by urban culture, street art, surrealism and industrial design.π Keep an eye on our social media for more info.
Nostr No Good Kid: npub1uwglfjet0m2regqhmgeygc2tc75ngezl8fhftgzhaqas9rjeny8sdztml4
Nostr Honza Nadvornik: npub1j0ht2m9jgs6mccyvkffd2dlnfusmqfx9mjlwg6fsmfwxm9rfuwdq40w6rf
Instagram No Good Kid
Instagram Marty Surma
π‘ Tools that prioritize privacy
Companies like Google or Meta are collecting all sorts of data about our online activities.Check out some recommendations for tools, like messengers, or email providers, that can keep you safe.
Password Manager
Web Browser
π¬ Q&A
π Is this official Amnesty International CZ campaign?No, this is a freelance project made by czech graphic designer Honza NΓ‘dvornΓk and creative crew No Good Kid (hey everyone! π ) to support Amnesty International CZ and to connect crypto community with non-profit organization that fights for civil human rights.
Project whistleblower10 was discussed with Amnesty International CZ and they have decided to accept crypto as a direct follow-up to this project.All donations links on this website lead directly to Amnesty International CZ payment gate.π How crypto donation works in this particular case?There are three participants in donate transaction: The donor, Confirmo and Amnesty International CZ.
Amnesty International CZ has implemented Confirmo payment gate, which allows you to send crypto. Confirmo transfers crypto to fiat and then sends it to Amnesty International CZ.π Can I donate anonymously?Unfortunately no. Non-profit organizations like Amnesty International CZ need to be able identify their donors due to anti money laundering laws.π Do I need to worry about taxes if I donate my crypto?If you are a Czechia citizen, you should not be worried about taxing your donation to Amnesty International CZ. We recommend to discuss this with your tax consultant. In general, donations to non-profits and charities are tax-exempt in Czech Republic.π How will the winner of the artwork be selected?The giveaway of an artwork by Marty Surma will take place during september nad october 2023. Stay tuned on social media and this website for more info.π Which cryptocurrencies can I donate?At this time, Amnesty International CZ is accepting Bitcoin (both on-chain or Lightning Network), Ether, Tether, Tronix, Solana and Litecoin.π Is this campaign directly connected to Edward Snowden?No. Edward Snowden himself is not involved in this campaign. Amnesty International CZ has previously initiated a petition for Snowden's pardon. Given the 10th anniversary of Snowden's leaks, we would like to bring his story back on spotlight this way.In the past, Edward Snowden has talked about bitcoin going the wrong way, talking essentially about the privacy (KYC) issues that are associated with its use when not used according to the original whitepaper as a peer to peer electronic cash system.However, this campaign is not supposed to link Snowden with Bitcoin in general.
Nostr No Good Kid: npub1uwglfjet0m2regqhmgeygc2tc75ngezl8fhftgzhaqas9rjeny8sdztml4
Nostr Honza Nadvornik: npub1j0ht2m9jgs6mccyvkffd2dlnfusmqfx9mjlwg6fsmfwxm9rfuwdq40w6rf
Disclaimer: This campaign is not run by Amnesty International CZ.
All donations links go directly to Amnesty International CZ payment gate. The whistleblower10 campaign runs from June to October 2023.